Pynjari 144 Crpc ha shilynter ka wah Nongkhnum


Nongstoiñ, Ïaiong, 14: U District Magistrate ka West Khasi Hill District u bah Garod LSN Dykes u la pynjari da ka Section 144CrPC kaba mana pyrshah ïa ki briew lane kynhun briew ban tih bad khlong shyiap beaiñ ha shilynter jong ka wah Nongkhnum. Kane ka jingtih shyiap kan wanrah ïa ka jingjot bad pynsniew ïa ki sawdong sawkun jong kane ka wah
Lada lap ïa kiba ïaleh pyrshah ïa ka hukum yn pynshitom katkum ka kyndon ba 188 IPC, 1860 bad hapoh ka ‘specific provisions of the Relevant Rules/Acts/Orders such as the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957, the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, the Air’. Kane ka hukum kan treikam mardor tad haduh ynda pynbna da kumwei pat.

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